Feeling of Accomplishment
Card Stats
Collected by 9.47% of users
by 0.24% of users
Let's Have Fun ♡LV.1/10
Enables Great for all members of your team when your opponent uses a Special Skill.
Min | Max | FDT | |
Pride | 373 | 2,650 | 2,950 |
Greed | 1,048 | 5,605 | 5,605 |
Envy | 1,432 | 10,538 | 13,238 |
Wrath | 1,071 | 6,212 | 6,812 |
Lust | 367 | 1,963 | 2,563 |
Gluttony | 710 | 3,777 | 4,077 |
Sloth | 716 | 4,134 | 4,734 |
Total | 5,717 | 34,879 | 39,979 |
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