Test of Endurance
Card Stats
Collected by 3.87% of users
by 2.07% of users
Special Skill
This One Is for You!LV.1/10
Charm x5.5 Enables Good for 1 to 3 members of your team.
Min | Max | FDT | |
Pride | 2,837 | ??? | ??? |
Greed | 1,425 | ??? | ??? |
Envy | 1,413 | ??? | ??? |
Wrath | 2,091 | ??? | ??? |
Lust | 2,069 | ??? | ??? |
Gluttony | 735 | ??? | ??? |
Sloth | 746 | ??? | ??? |
Total | 11,316 | ??? | ??? |