Warm Hug
Card Stats
Collected by 12.78% of users
by 0.06% of users
Special Skill
Warm HugLV.1/10
Charm x4.5
Min | Max | FDT | |
Pride | 550 | 1,815 | 1,815 |
Greed | 1,556 | 5,423 | 5,723 |
Envy | 1,057 | 3,968 | 4,568 |
Wrath | 1,040 | 3,781 | 4,081 |
Lust | 2,054 | 8,888 | 10,688 |
Gluttony | 1,581 | 5,697 | 6,297 |
Sloth | 533 | 1,748 | 1,748 |
Total | 8,371 | 31,320 | 34,920 |